An effective approach to preparing for international business development - Turin, 11 and 12 July 2017

Turin, 11 and 12 July 2017

Data iniziativa: 11.07.2017 / 12.07.2017
Mercati di interesse: Europa , Italia
    [0] => 91997415
Tipologia: Formazione

Descrizione iniziativa

An effective approach to preparing for international business development

Turin, 11 and 12 July


To create an international business development plan and begin putting the plan into action in order to  increase export sales opportunities: these are the main objectives of this course.

Especially designed to develop the skills and the professional awareness required to operate on international markets, and organised by Ceipiemonte (Piemonte Agency) on behalf of its stakeholders, the course will:

- allow you to learn how to assess your business for international growth

- assist you in the process of evaluating and clarifying your export planning process

- reflect on and share with the other participants key areas of strategic decision making.


Main topics:

  • Going international
  • Business growth readiness assessment
  • International business growth strategy development
  • Preparing an international marketing plan
  • Executing the plan and making a roadmap
  • Communication
  • Making a brief presentation to potential partners/clients in English on the company, the products and services.


Additional focus on:

  • Sharing international business experiences, doubts and aspirations
  • International business case studies
  • Practical exercises to support and develop an approach to international business
  • Creating an export business mindset

Target Audience

This course is suitable for people that have a good working level of spoken and written English.

Course deliverables

• The international scenario: why is export important? What to expect?
• Business growth analysis: where are we now?
• Choosing international markets: where to go?
• International business planning: how to plan and make progress
• From local to foreign market: how to assess the gap
• Action plan/executions: what to do next?
• Continuity and business management: how to stay on track
• Business presentations: are you prepared ?

Course Module

For more information, please download the file “Course details” on the right hand side  


Lecturer:  David Kidd - He has covered senior management roles in both private and public companies. More specifically he has worked as Marketing Director, Sales Director, General Manager, European Bus. Dev. Dir., Global Bus. Dev. Dir. in PMI and multinational companies - He holds a Bachelor’s degree in commerce and economics from University College Dublin, and is a qualified Executive Coach, ACTP, ICF. 

Venue: Ceipiemonte – Corso Regio Parco, 27 – Torino

Schedule: 9.15 – 17.30

Subscriptions by: 6 July


Costs and registration procedure

The fee amounts to € 400.00 + VAT. To complete the subscription please fill in the registration form that appears by clicking on "new registration", where you can also find details on payment.

Please note: the form must be printed, signed in all parts and sent to Ceipiemonte by fax to no. 011 6965456 or mail to


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For more information

Piemonte Agency, Fabrizia Pasqua
tel. 011 6700.619





Iscrizioni chiuse. Non è più possibile iscriversi all'iniziativa.

Informazioni utili

  • Data iniziativa: 11.07.2017 / 12.07.2017
  • Orario: 09:15 - 17:30
  • Luogo: Ceipiemonte, Corso Regio Parco 27
  • Città: Torino ( Europa , Italia )
  • Posti totali: 18
  • Posti disponibili: 10
  • Posti totali per azienda: 5
  • Data inizio iscrizioni: 15.06.2017
  • Data fine iscrizioni: 11.07.2017


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